Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dumela ditsala tsame!

The last few days have been crazy cold here.  At night it is going below freezing and the house never truly warms up during the day.  It is amazing the difference the sun makes during the day though.  Lately I have been wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves in the morning with a long sleeve shirt, thick sweatshirt, and tights under my work pants.  By mid afternoon I have stripped to just a long sleeve shirt with the arms pushed up.  This morning on my way to work I had the oddest feeling.  I walk to work through some deep sand and have finally broken down and gotten ankle cut boots to keep the burs and sand out of my shoes along with keeping my toes warm.  With the sun reflecting off of the sand while wading through it I had the feeling of walking through a foot of heavy wet snow. I miss snow, but do not want it to show up here.  Since we have no heat in the house the last thing I want is to have humidity added on to the cold.  The house does not have insulation either so after a few hours it becomes just as cold inside as outside.  I really miss heat.  Luckily the blankets we have are great and keep us really warm at night and I think we are going to try to find a space heater.  That is a major advantage we have over some of our friends who do not have electricity.

                       Blinding sunlight on the way to work (also there are donkeys under the tree)

                                               Deep sand I walk through on the way to work. 

Also, water has not been running for the last few days either.  John and I have been wondering if a pipe froze somewhere.  Luckily we washed our clothes over the weekend before it dropped.  The cold along with the lack of water has kept us from bathing well.  By the time we get home from work the temperature is dropping and the prospect of getting my hair wet just to have it freeze on my head does not sound fun.  I am so happy for the wet wipes we have left although I am going to have to break down, boil a bunch of water when it comes back on and freeze my butt off. 

Also, on the cute side we saw a bunch of really young baby goats in a pen and got a few pictures of them that I thought you would enjoy.

Go siame!

1 comment:

  1. wow, you are both really roughing it!! as always, reading your posts help me realize how much i take for granted! it reminds me of going to bolivia, with no hot water, and how good it felt to take a shower when i got home. if yu want me to mail you a space heater, just email me your home address. no worry. xoxoxoxoxoxoox the pic of the goat is soooooo cute. i just recently found out about fainting goats, try looking tht up on you tube for a good laugh! oxoxoxoxo
