In Chicago, we spent a bit of time checking out the surrounding neighborhoods, which felt like small towns surrounded by lots of people and just a short train ride away from Chicago. We also walked around the park in Naperville which has a great river walk and as well as a tower with carilllon (an instrument that plays bells Naperville's has 72 bells. We toured this, then hurried to get out of the tower before it rang. I can't imagine being by the largest as it rang...ouch.
We later broke out Clue and played a few games. It has been a while since I have played and forgot how fun it can be figuring out if it was Mrs Peacock in the billiard room, with the candle stick or might it be Mr. White in the conservatory with the rope. When I get back to Louisville I think I'll teach Rowan to play Clue. It was great to catch up with Chris again!
Currently we are in Appleton with Aunt Barb and sadly are leaving today! Yesterday Aunt Barb took us on a tour of Neenah (where my mom grew up). It was great to see her old stomping grounds and the houses she grew up in. We then took a trip to Green Bay to Lambeau Field, had lunch at Curly's and then took a tour. The stadium is amazing! Our tour guide was oozing with enthusiasm and had a dry sense of humor. I could tell he loved his job. We got to hear all about the history of the team, saw the suites, then got to enter the stadium using the same tunnel the Packers use to enter during the games. When standing on the field we all yelled "Go Pack Go". The reverberation that came back was quite loud and there were only 30ish people yelling. I can't imagine how loud an entire stadium would be.
Afterwards we came back to Barb's apartment and went through some historical pictures, which I was able to capture with my digital camera. I love hearing stories of my grandparents, Aunt Barb, and their family. I wish I had known all of them better. The rest of the evening was passed playing cards, mainly bridge. All in all, it has been a great trip!
Today we are stopping in Rockport to meet my mom's cousins, Ann & Janet, for dinner before continuing south back to Louisville.
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